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Why are We Here? Free Will Faith & the Will of God

Why are We Here? Free Will Faith & the Will of God

(P2) What is The purpose of God's creation of man? God's desire for all to be saved. The essential nature of mankind. The sacrifice of Christ proof-positive of God's goodwill towards all. The inevitability of disobedience if freedom is really free. As explained in Part 1 of this Bible study on "God's Plan to Save You, history has been decreed by God as the time and place where we, His moral creatures, have been given the opportunity to adjust our will to His through the exercise of our faith in His chosen object of faith, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is glorified when we respond to Him. He is pleased with us when we and others come to understand who He really is and what He is really like, appreciate Him for Himself, and respond to Him in the way He would have us to do. That is the reason, that is the purpose for us being here and for us "being" at all. God clearly does not need this response from us. Moreover, we are the ones who benefit from accepting and responding to His truth. That is not only so in the abstract: it is by our free-will faith response to His truth – which is all about who He is and was before time began, what He is in the process of doing here on earth, and what He will do in the eternal future – that we are saved (by responding to the gospel), that we are blessed in time (as we grow spiritually through His truth), and that we shall be rewarded in eternity (for the level of response we have achieved in this life). God not only created us – He created us in order to share Himself with us, and He is pleased, He is gloried, when we do respond to His grace. God loves us: in love He made us, and out of love He sacrificed His one and only dear Son Jesus Christ for us that we might respond to Him, that we might be saved through Him, that we might grow and be blessed in Him, and that we might be rewarded abundantly by Him in time to come.
The "Israel of God" & the Mystery of Jesus in the 7 Days of Creation - Church, Bride & Revelation

The "Israel of God" & the Mystery of Jesus in the 7 Days of Creation - Church, Bride & Revelation

(P3 of Logos series.) The Uniqueness of #Israel. #LOGOS #Mystery It should not be overlooked that gentile believers of the present day are portrayed as having become part of the household of God along with Israel, rather than replacing Israel. This picture is consistent with every other passage in the New Testament where the issue is discussed. The gentiles are the wild olive branch that has been grafted into the natural olive tree Israel as seen in (Romans 11:13-24). The truth of the matter is that the Church is composed of #Jews and #gentiles, and that Jewish believers are the foundation for the holy building that God is erecting; not only in the Jewish age, but in the Church age as well.1.) All of the apostles of Christ were Jewish. And although the New Testament is written almost exclusively in Greek, the dominant gentile language of the time, all of the writers of the Bible, New Testament as well as Old Testament, were Jewish.2.) Though many first century Jews rejected the gospel in the same way that their Judean countrymen had rejected their own Messiah, even a cursory reading of Acts and the Epistles demonstrates clearly that Jewish believers were both the original foundation of the Church and continued to play a huge role after the influx of the gentiles had begun.3.) Jewish or Hebrew DNA believers not only exist but have played and continue to play a critical part in all generations of the Church as noted in (Romans 11:5). For the gospel is theirs by first priority, and ours (as gentiles) by the grace of God. "to the Jew first, and also to the Greek, gentile)". See (Romans 1:16; Matthew 10:5; 15:26; Acts 13:46; and Romans 2:9-10).4.) The hardness of the majority of the line of Israel during the Church age has been since Paul's day a heavy burden on the heart of their believing countrymen as noted in (Romans 9:3; 10:1). Jesus Himself mourned their lack of belief in (Matthew 23:37), and predicted these ("times of the gentiles") which comprise the two millennial Church age days, when gentiles would flood into the Kingdom while Jewish belief would be reduced to a trickle as noted in (Luke 21:24. the wedding banquet parable where those invited fail to come and others are brought in instead. Matthew 22:1-14; Luke 14:15-24). In the case of the resistant majority, two issues always seem to lie at the core of this resistance which is in such stark contrast to the preeminence of Israel in matters of faith both in the past and in the prophesied future.a.) refusal to accept a suffering Messiah as seen in (Matthew 16:21-23; John 6:66; 1st Corinthians 1:22-23; as we cross that with the desire for displays of miraculous power instead of the cross in Matthew 16:4; Mark 8:11-12; and Luke 11:29), and consequently tripping over the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and the "offense" of His cross as we see in (Romans 9:32-33; 1st Coronthians 1:22-23; Galatians 5:11; Hebrews 11:26; 12:2; and 13:13).and, b.) resentment over the inclusion of gentiles into the family of God, seed of Abraham by faith alone as noted in (Matthew 27:18; Acts 13:43-45; 17:5; 22:21-22; Romans 10:2; Luke 15:25-32). and, the corollary to this, trusting in their own righteousness from the Law instead of faith as we see in (Romans 9:30-32; and 10:3-4). This second issue is very much a post-cross problem. Jesus' earthly ministry was focused entirely upon Israel, not the gentiles, so that our Lord's contemporaries never had this excuse. They rejected Him before believing gentiles became an issue as we know from (Matthew 7:6; and 10:15).This ("hardness in part") of Israel is destined to continue "until the fullness of the gentiles comes in" as seen in (Romans 11:25), that is, until the calling out of the mass of gentile believers is complete, a process characterizing the Church age, and a process that will continue and be completed just prior to the 2nd Advent of Christ as we see in Revelation 11:2; 12:17). At the moment of His return, everything will change for Israel, and the vision of Him returning in glory will bring about a profound and glorious change of heart as we see in (Zechariah 12:10-14; Revelation 1:7; Joel 2:30-32; and Mattew 24:30).
Biblical Calendar - Hidden LOGOS in the Jewish Ceremonial Calendar & 7000 yrs of Humanity. (P4)

Biblical Calendar - Hidden LOGOS in the Jewish Ceremonial Calendar & 7000 yrs of Humanity. (P4)

The third proof of God's seven millennial day construction of human history is to be found in the pattern of festivals He ordained for Israel in the Mosaic Law. The Jewish ceremonial calendar was, after all, not produced by human agency, but was instead given to Israel by God Himself through His intermediary Moses as noted in (Galatians 3:19). It is not surprising, therefore, that, just as the seven Genesis days give us God's blueprint for human history as a whole, so the yearly system of dates and festivals ordained by the Mosaic Law likewise lays out the pattern for God's historical agenda. The Jewish ceremonial calendar (to be distinguished from Israel's civil calendar which, commencing in the seventh month, was roughly equivalent to our fiscal year) began with the month of Abib (or Nissan), March/April in our calendar. This ceremonial calendar, by means not only of its festivals, but also through the significant gaps it contains between the festivals, mirrors the overall progression of God's plan for human history. For the Jewish calendar is essentially composed of four "gaps" (periods of no festivals) separated by three festival clusters, wherein both the festivals and the gaps give specific information about God's grand design in Jesus Christ and the calling out of His Church..... Get the full transcript #LOGOS #BibleCalendar #Esoteric
Agenda 2030 Science & the Bible LOGOS in Human History (P5)

Agenda 2030 Science & the Bible LOGOS in Human History (P5)

For at least the last few centuries, the application of scientific theories to the Bible has provided stumbling blocks for many who would otherwise accept the truth of the Word of God. Our Lord Himself told us that it is necessary for such stumbling blocks to arise, but also promised dire consequences to those through whom they come in (Matthew 18:7-9). As Christians, believers who profess faith in Christ in spite of what our eyes may see as noted in (2nd Corinthians 4:18; 5:7; and Hebrews 11:27). We ought to trust God more than human testimony, no matter how persuasive and seemingly irrefutable that testimony may seem to be. We ought to understand by now, living as we do in a world of accelerating change, that science at its best is merely a search for the truth about the material construction of God's creation, and a highly imperfect attempt at that, yielding but a dim and incomplete comprehension of the boundless universe which God has wrought, and producing but a limited and often only theoretical understanding of it, an understanding which is, moreover, of necessity always in flux. For each new scientific revelation reveals in turn a geometrically larger area of ignorance of whose existence science was previously unaware. The more scientific knowledge, the greater the awareness of the boundlessness of the task, and of the futility of any ultimate, comprehensive understanding of the cosmos through secular means. Sadly, what should occasion humility, that is, the dawning realization of the ultimately incomprehensible nature of God's creation by any mere mortal, has historically tended to arrogance as insignificant bits and pieces, only partially understood, are hailed as great achievements. No matter that all our scientific and technological advance has not prevented one single person in human history from reaching the grave, nor provided one single person with eternal life, science has become for many what amounts to a religion.
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